Empower Me Deco

Own Your Power

By: Anastasia Marie

*15% off first order

The Power of Creative Cursive Art

change the way that you look at creative cursive art.

Empower Me Deco is a boutique business utilizing creative cursive art to inspire hope in children to always stay true to themselves.

Creative cursive art is more than just beautiful handwriting; it’s a form of visual poetry that weaves together words, shapes, and emotions into a captivating masterpiece.

Explore the charm of cursive art as you discover its ability to convey messages in an artistic and profound way, making it the perfect medium to inspire hope and authenticity in children.

Custom Canvas Prints Sizes & Pricing:

For every 5 canvases sold 1 will be donated to a children’s charity or faculty.


$200.00 - 5 words (10 max)

*15% OFF first order.
($10 fee for each extra word.)


$150.00 - 4 words (8 max)

*15% OFF first order.
($10 fee for each extra word.)


$100.00 - 3 words (5 max)

*15% OFF first order.
($10 fee for each extra word.)


$50.00 - 1 word (3 max)

*15% OFF first order.
($10 fee for each extra word.)

Canvas Classes:

In Person Canvas Classes

Join our waitlist below. Starting January 2024.

Online Canvas Classes

Join our waitlist below. Starting January 2024.

Empower Me Deco is committed to bringing a creative community to life.

Empower Me Deco is committed to bringing a creative community to life.

Our Founder, Anastasia Marie understands firsthand how difficult it can be as a child when you grow up in Foster Care and lack strong support and encouragement systems.

Empower Me Deco was created to inspire hope for children, specifically those under the age of 12 who lack that in their everyday lives. Today, we are lacking basic community and family systems that enrich our lives.

Anastasia Marie is building a community designed to change all of that, and create a better future for children who need it most. Without connection and strong community attachments there are higher rates of suicide, homelessness, and hopelessness; we believe as people who care and take action, we can prevent that. 

Using the power of words combined with create cursive art, our goal is to create art that both inspires and empowers a positive message in a world filled with negative words.

*15% OFF first order. ($10 fee for each extra word.)

Life is so much easier with strong community and family connections...

If it is a true connection and not the fake connection we find on social media, it leads to healthier life decisions and healthier life in general. In-person connections and community allow you to see people for who they truly are and what they are truly going through versus the lens of social media that often create “fake worlds and identities” that mask pain and real life.

An in-person community creates wholesome, real-life connections that you can build and carry with you through the remainder of your life. Which makes life so much more enjoyable as we share each other’s burdens as well as joys!

Explore the Stencil Art Gallery.

Our stencil art album is an immersive journey through a captivating world of creativity, where every word tells a unique story. It has a diverse collection and is a must-see for art enthusiasts, children and everyone seeking inspiration and hope. View our gallery below.

Are You Ready to Own Your Power?

We are committed to working with you, and bringing your vision through the power of creative cursive art to life.

Let’s connect and make owning your power a reality.